inauthor:"Susan Weinschenk" from
How do you motivate people to take action? These are just a few of the questions that the book answers in its deep-dive exploration of what you need to know about people to create a compelling presentation.
inauthor:"Susan Weinschenk" from
Research hasn’t stopped since the book was written, and new design challenges have emerged.
inauthor:"Susan Weinschenk" from
What line length for text is best? Are some fonts better than others? These are just a few of the questions that the book answers in its deep-dive exploration of what makes people tick.
inauthor:"Susan Weinschenk" from
In this book you’ll learn the 7 drives that motivate people: The Desire For Mastery, The Need To Belong, The Power of Stories, Carrots and Sticks, Instincts, Habits, and Tricks Of The Mind.
inauthor:"Susan Weinschenk" from
By applying the concepts and examples in this book, you’ll be able to dramatically increase the effectiveness and conversion rates of your own Web site.
inauthor:"Susan Weinschenk" from
Examines the science and psychology behind effective, persuasive business presentations, examining what holds attention during a presentation; proper choice of media; and viewers' reactions to posture, gestures, and vocal tone.
inauthor:"Susan Weinschenk" from
It's scientific, yet you'll find it accessible, easy to read, and easy to understand. By applying the concepts and examples in this book, you'll be able to dramatically increase the effectiveness and conversion rates of your own Web site.
inauthor:"Susan Weinschenk" from
WHY DO PEOPLE DECIDE TO BUY A PRODUCT? Trust the information you provide? Take action at your web site? Neuro Web Design applies the research on motivation, decision making and neuroscience to design.
inauthor:"Susan Weinschenk" from
In addition to its in-depth look at speech technologies and the different types of user interfaces, this book: * Provides an overview of the field of human factors and defines the basic concepts of human computer interaction * Discusses the ...
inauthor:"Susan Weinschenk" from
Developing software interfaces and company-wide GUI standards can be difficult, but it is nothing like having to continually redesign software that end users can't work with.