Miles Franklin's 'My Brilliant Career' is a captivating coming-of-age novel set in rural Australia. The book follows the story of Sybylla Melvyn, a spirited young woman exploring her place in society and her desire for independence.
In the 50th anniversary year of Miles Franklin's death, this book containing many of her diary entries and richly illustrated with photos and drawings, will capture the hearts and minds of readers.
Alternately hilarious and heartwarming, this beloved coming-of-age novel from the Australian outback brings together unforgettable characters with clarity and truth, all told in a unique young woman's voice.
In this ironically titled and exuberant first novel, Sybylla tells the story of growing up passionate and rebellious in rural New South Wales, where the most that girls could hope for was to marry or to teach.
My Career Goes Bung was written in 1900 but was not published until 1946, considered too audacious and perhaps too revealing of its creator's own persona for publication.