If the rise of modernism is the story of a struggle between the burden of tradition and a desire to break free of it, then Rilke's poetic development is a key example of this tension at work.
In this book, Judith Ryan opens these questions to a range of readers, drawing them into debates over the value of theory. Ryan investigates what prompted fiction writers to incorporate and respond to theory nearly thirty years ago.
The apostle’s very brief letter to Philemon stands solidly within the Pauline collection of authentic and canonical letters. In this volume, Judith Ryan argues that Philemon makes two specific appeals.
As the family prepared for the big day, the story will entertain the young reader and give insight to the events as they occurred in this early era. The focus is an appreciation of family and Christmas tradition.
Sunny Cooper has been running since she was eighteen—from the New Mexican commune where she grew up . . . and from the haunting memory of the freak accident that took the life of her younger sister.
Kimberley art: strong in country and law - Kimberley languages - Figurative art of the North-west and Central Kimberley - Paddy Jaminji and the Gurirr Gurirr - The East Kimberley aesthetic - Art of Fitzroy Crossing - Art of Balgo - ...