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This new edition continues to provide excellent coverage of exercise physiology, uniting the topics of energy expenditure and capacity, molecular biology, physical conditioning, sports nutrition, body composition, weight control, and more.
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Beginning with basic exercise physiology concepts, the text progressively builds your knowledge by integrating these concepts into practical discussions of nutrition and training.
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The single most internationally read and referenced text in sports medicine, exercise science, and health and fitness, this manual succinctly summarizes recommended procedures for exercise testing and exercise prescription in healthy and ...
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Enhanced by new online video clips and animations, Kraemer's Exercise Physiology, combines research and theory with practical discussions of nutrition and training to help students understand how the human body works and responds to ...
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This Seventh Edition has been thoroughly updated with all the most recent findings, guiding you to the latest understanding of nutrition, energy transfer, and exercise training and their relationship to human performance.
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Designed to support ACSM guidelines and to provide a textbook for ACSM certification candidates, this book covers all the major aspects of preventative, rehabilitative and fitness programs.