bibliogroup:"China policy series" from
Currently the Chinese government has amongst its objectives the target to increase this to 60% by 2020, and also to improve the quality of China’s cities. This book examines a wide range of issues connected to China’s urbanization.
bibliogroup:"China policy series" from
This book provides a comprehensive overview of China's use of "soft power" and assesses the impact this is having on the world and on the process of international relations.
bibliogroup:"China policy series" from
With China replacing the United States as the world's leading energy user and net oil importer, its relations with the Middle East is becoming a major issue with global implications.
bibliogroup:"China policy series" from
This book takes a different approach, assessing the views of East Asian and other countries on the Belt and Road Initiative, both from a transnational and multidisciplinary perspective.
bibliogroup:"China policy series" from
Focussing on one of the most influential scholars writing on international relations, Wang Gungwu, this book explores the limitations of Western international relations approaches to China, and explains China’s IR from a non-Western ...
bibliogroup:"China policy series" from
Written by some of the foremost scholars in the field of China studies, this book focuses on the work of Wang Gungwu - one of the most influential scholars writing on international relations - including topics such as empire, nation-state, ...
bibliogroup:"China policy series" from
This book explores China's place in the ‘new international order’, from both the international perspective and from the perspective within China.
bibliogroup:"China policy series" from
This book considers how China is working to avoid shortages of energy, food and water, and the effect this is having internationally.
bibliogroup:"China policy series" from
This book explores China's place in the new international order, from both the international perspective, and from the perspective within China.
bibliogroup:"China policy series" from
This book explores systematically the international engagement in human rights in China and assesses the impact of such foreign involvement.