Sep 29, 2024 · The meaning of RECESS is the action of receding : recession. How to use recess in a sentence.
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Recessed - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - › dictionary › recessed
not solid; having a space or gap or cavity. adjective. resembling an alcove. synonyms: concave. curving inward. Cite this entry.
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RECESSED meaning: 1. built in a space in a wall: 2. built in a space in a wall: . Learn more.
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adjective If something such as a door or window is recessed, it is set into the wall that surrounds it.
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noun temporary withdrawal or cessation from the usual work or activity. Synonyms: vacation, break, rest, respite recesses, a secluded or inner area or part.
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If you refer to the recesses of someone's mind or soul, you are referring to thoughts or feelings they have which are hidden or difficult to describe. There was ...
Recess is a break from doing something, like work or school. Almost everyone looks forward to taking a recess — even if you don't have access to monkey bars.
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a small area in a room that is formed by one part of a wall being set back farther than other parts: The room has a recess designed to hold bookshelves. [ C ...
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In a sad mood, but not sad enough to be depressed. Jimmy's been under the weather lately. I think he's recessed. by Elephantmonker April 27, 2009.
A temporary cessation of the customary activities of an engagement, occupation, or pursuit: The chairman of the committee called for a recess until Thursday.
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