This characterful 3-bedroom, 1-bathroom house is the perfect place to call home. This property has everything you need with a spacious downstairs living area.
Missing: Real estate
5 Bogan Street, Parkes, NSW 2870 has a land size of 570 m˛. It is a house with 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, and 3 parking spaces. It was sold in 2006 for ...
This characterful 3-bedroom, 1-bathroom house is the perfect place to call home. This property has everything you need with a spacious downstairs living area.
Property data for 5 Bogan Street, Parkes NSW 2870. Get sold price history and market data for real estate in Parkes NSW.
5 Bogan Street, Parkes NSW 2870 is currently listed for Sale with a price of "Auction". 5 Bogan Street is a House, with 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, and 3 parking ...
207 properties for sale in Bogan St, Parkes, NSW 2870. Browse the latest properties for sale in Bogan St and find your dream home with ...
Property data for 5A Bogan Street, Parkes NSW 2870. Get sold price history and market data for real estate in Parkes NSW.
Discover the sales history and median property prices on Bogan Street, Parkes NSW 2870. Make an informed choice on all your property decisions with ...
3 bedroom House for sale at 5 Bogan Street, Parkes. View 20 photos, inspection times, floor plans, tours, market trends & neighbourhood insights with ...
Block of Units for Sale. 1-4/48A Bogan Street Parkes, NSW 2870. Expression of InterestTender Sale. 5 Beds; 4 Baths; 4 Cars. Are you interested in inspecting ...