Bruce Brook, maker of Early Plucked Instruments: Lutes, Wire strung ... Orpharions. 6 Course £3200. 9 Course £3600. Carved heads from £350. Purfling ...
7 course bandora by Bruce Brook, 2007 74 cm / 80 cm ... Notes:Measurments based on the Talbot manuscript; body outline based on the Palmer orpharion.
The orpharion or opherion was a plucked stringed instrument of the English renaissance, a member of the cittern family. The metal strings are tuned like a lute ...
Wired for sound: the bandora and orpharion The bandora and orpharion are two of the less familiar and less played renaissance/baroque instruments.
May 21, 2006 · Failing that, Peter Forrester, Bruce Brook, and or Stephen Barber might be good resources to consult, as they've all done orpharions based ...
The Palmer orpharion does have a cut-away, but this reduces ... This is what I use, although at least one well-sounding full-size bandora by Bruce Brook.
Bruce Brook, maker of Early Plucked Instruments: Lutes, Wire strung, Medieval, and Renaissance and Baroque Guitars.
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Other Remarks. Bruce Brook, 2007, England, 7 course bandora. Christopher Davies, 2008, USA, 7 course orpharion. Peter Forrester, 1999, Norwich, England, 6 and 7 ...