1. : to lay at rest. reposed her head on a cushion. 2. : to lie at rest.
4 days ago
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REPOSED meaning: 1. past simple and past participle of repose 2. to rest or lie: . Learn more.
Other forms: reposed; reposing; reposes. Repose is a formal or literary term used to mean the act of resting, or the state of being at rest.
to be peacefully calm and quiet. The sea reposed under the tropical sun. 8. to lie or rest on something. 9. archaic. to depend or rely on a person or thing.
to be peacefully calm and quiet: The sea reposed under the tropical sun. to lie or rest on something.
Meaning of repose in English ... to rest or lie: She reposed on the couch. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases.
always followed by an adverb or preposition : to rest or lay (something) somewhere. [+ object]. She reposed her head on a cushion.
Synonyms of reposed. reposed 1 of 2. verb (1) · Definition of reposed. past tense of repose. 1. as in hid. to remain out of sight a little-explored region ...
reposed, adj.²?1569–; reposedly, adv.1598–; reposedness, n.1616–; reposeful ... 1710 and 1728 following the definition in A. Furetière Dict. Universel ...
May 10, 2024 · "Reposed" is when someone repositions you (a boss, or father) to do something else but I think my interpretation is wrong.