

Natural satellite
Kerberos is a small natural satellite of Pluto, about 19 km in its longest dimension. Kerberos is also the second-smallest moon of Pluto, after Styx. It was the fourth moon of Pluto to be discovered and its existence was announced on 20 July 2011.... Wikipedia
Dimensions: 19 × 10 × 9 km
Discovered: June 28, 2011
Discoverer: Mark Showalter
Orbits: Pluto
Alternative names: S/2011 (134340) 1; S/2011 P 1
Axial tilt: 96°
Named after: Κέρβερος Kerberos

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Pluto's tiny moon Kerberos appears to be smaller than scientists expected and has a highly-reflective surface, counter to predictions prior to the July 2015 ...
Kerberos is a small natural satellite of Pluto, about 19 km (12 mi) in its longest dimension. Kerberos is also the second-smallest moon of Pluto, after Styx ...
It is about 12 km (7.5 mi) in its longest dimension. It was the fourth moon of Pluto to be discovered and its existence was announced on 20 July 2011. It was ...
Kerberos is one of the 5 moons of planet Pluto. It is a small, irregular-shaped moon. For a listing of all moons, see Moons of the Planets. Kerberos Facts.
Oct 26, 2015 · Pluto's tiny satellite Kerberos has gotten its first close-up. NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has beamed home photos of Kerberos captured during the probe's ...
In Pluto: Pluto's moons. other four moons—Hydra, Nix, Kerberos, and Styx—are much smaller than Charon. All four are elongated. They revolve around Pluto ...
Pluto's moon system – Charon, Nix, Hydra , Styx, and Kerberos – is believed to have formed after a collision between Pluto, and another Kuiper Belt Object.
Video for Kerberos (moon)
Oct 23, 2015 · Kerberos is smaller than scientists expected and appears to have a double-lobed shape ...
Duration: 1:07
Posted: Oct 23, 2015
Oct 23, 2015 · An image of Kerberos, one of the two tiny moons of Pluto, has finally been returned by the US space agency's New Horizons probe.
Kerberos. Mean Distance from Pluto, 59,000 km (36,660 miles). Orbital Period around Pluto, 32.1 Earth days. Mean Diameter, 34 km (21.13 miles). Year Discovered ...