22A Braeburn Cres, Stanhope Gardens, NSW 2768 has a land size of 301 m². It is a house with 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 2 parking spaces.
Property data for 22A Braeburn Cres, Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768. Get sold price history and market data for real estate in Stanhope Gardens NSW.
Get a property value estimate and sale history information for 22A Braeburn Crescent, Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768 ... Stanhope Gardens real estate agencies ...
22 Braeburn Cres, Stanhope Gardens, NSW 2768 has a land size of 663 m². It is a house with 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 2 parking spaces.
Property data for 22 Braeburn Cres, Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768. Get sold price history and market data for real estate in Stanhope Gardens NSW.
Domain has 1121 Real Estate Properties for Sale in Stanhope Gardens, NSW, 2768 & surrounding suburbs. View our listings & use our detailed filters to find ...
22A Braeburn Crescent, Stanhope Gardens, NSW 2768. Bedroom 4. Bathtub 2 ... Stanhope Gardens real estate agencies · Stanhope Gardens new developments. Sale.
we highly recommend Irving to anyone in need of a reliable and supportive real estate agent. star star star star ...
Contact the real estate agent. Taylor Bredin. Ray White - Quakers Hill. 0Not ... 22A Braeburn Crescent, Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768. 4; 2; 2; 301m². 7 Swanley ...
Contact the real estate agent. (Charles) Yuanchao Pei. Ray White - Norwest. 0 ... 22A Braeburn Crescent, Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768. 4; 2; 2; 301m² · View all ...