a person who betrays a country or group of people by helping or supporting an enemy. She has been called a traitor to the liberal party's cause. He was a traitor who betrayed his country by selling military secrets to the enemy.
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Examples of traitor in a Sentence ˇ Mafia wives who leave their families are considered traitors, and some are assassinated. ˇ Far-right protesters also arrived ...
7 days ago ˇ How to Use traitor in a Sentence. traitor. noun ˇ Definition of traitor ... Trump views the truth as treason and truth-tellers as traitors.
The party branded him a traitor to the socialist cause. The Guardian. (2020). We were traitors in our religion. The Guardian.
Traitor's gate is a river entrance, where the heads of traitor's gate is a river entrance, where the heads of traitors were put on spikes. 1. 2.
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He vowed to “put the fear of God in the cowards, the traitors, the RINOs, the communists of the Democrat Party.” ... Napoleon was forcing Snowball the traitor pig ...
The leaders of the rebellion were hanged as traitors. The Chinese Communist Party branded (= called) Mr. Gorbachev "a traitor to socialism.".
You are traitors to your class. The Guardian (2020). They cannot now call me a traitor.
Traitors betray the trust of those who have faith in them or believe their promises. Traitor also applies to a person who betrays his country by committing ...
Traitor's gate is a river entrance, where the heads of traitor's gate is a river entrance, where the heads of traitors were put on spikes. 0.
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