In subject area: Psychology. Demandingness refers to the claims that parents make on children to become integrated into the family and community by their maturity expectations, supervision, disciplinary efforts, and willingness to confront a disputative child” (1996, p.
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Sep 24, 2019 ˇ Demandingness is associated with some significant emotional problems. People who think this way have a tendency to get angrier than others and experience more ...
Demandingness refers to the inclination or predisposition of individuals to establish exceptionally high standards or expectations in various aspects of life.
Demands can be conceptualized as rules of life that include inferences, evaluations, and/or philosophical beliefs with words related to “should,” “ought,” or “ ...
Also found in: Wikipedia. demandingness. (dɪˈmɑːndɪŋnəs). n. the quality of being demanding. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition ...
Nov 2, 2019 ˇ Control/demandingness captures the extent to which parents respond differentially to how well the child meets their behavior demands.
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Nov 4, 2022 ˇ Demandingness refers to a parent having expectations for how a child should act along with appropriately engaging the child when those ...
Parental demandingness, is the extent to which the parent expects more mature and responsible behavior from a child. Using these two dimensions, she recognized ...
Mar 6, 2022 ˇ ... definitions of 'difficult'. Both demandingness and difficulty are defined as requiring effort, skill, attention, patience. In contrast ...
Parents high in demandingness monitor their children, set limits, enforce rules, use consistent and contingent discipline, and make maturity demands.