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subject:"Psychology / Cognitive Psychology & Cognition" from
Im Zuge der europäischen Integration nach 1989 schien es, als könnten die transnationalen Erinnerungskulturen in Europa die nationalen ablösen und eine neue europäische Identität re/präsentieren.
subject:"Psychology / Cognitive Psychology & Cognition" from
O primeiro volume da coletânea chamado “Produção de Subjetividade, Políticas Públicas e Sociedade” reúne textos que desenvolvem discussões interseccionais, possibilitando que os eixos gênero, sexualidade, classe e raça/etnia ...
subject:"Psychology / Cognitive Psychology & Cognition" from
This book discusses misunderstandings related to the scientific method of creative problem solving and decision-making.
subject:"Psychology / Cognitive Psychology & Cognition" from
Gegenwärtig lässt sich in unterschiedlichen gesellschaftlichen Diskursfeldern eine Bezugnahme auf das Motiv der ‚Vanitas‘ (Vergänglichkeit) feststellen.
subject:"Psychology / Cognitive Psychology & Cognition" from
I am a woman, but it is always ‘I’, which shall decide for me ‘How I Am A Woman’ and not the populist generic identities.
subject:"Psychology / Cognitive Psychology & Cognition" from
Larger and wider the Information landscape, better and greater is the potential of consciousness to create realities of novel and alternative experiences to us. This is the Grammar of Life.
subject:"Psychology / Cognitive Psychology & Cognition" from
This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence.
subject:"Psychology / Cognitive Psychology & Cognition" from
Ziel ist es, eine internationale Plattform für die interdisziplinäre Medien- und Gedächtnisforschung zu schaffen. Eingereichte Manuskripte werden im peer review Verfahren durch externe Experten begutachtet.
subject:"Psychology / Cognitive Psychology & Cognition" from
Concise, comprehensive, non-technical, and thoroughly accessible, this volume quickly brings readers to the cutting edge of a major research program at the intersection of philosophy and science.
subject:"Psychology / Cognitive Psychology & Cognition" from
Il volume realizza una indagine, a più voci, sulla storia dell’infanzia fra Otto e Novecento, declinata sia come storia delle idee pedagogiche sull’infanzia, sia come storia dei vissuti educativi di bambine e bambini reali, individuati ...