This is the screenplay from the film Inside Out released in 2014 by Boat Angel Family Films. This is a great insight into the dialogue and action that occurred during the month of shooting in Texas. The script is original.
When Raul goes to jail for selling watches in front of a Five Star Hotel, his three female street friends go to work singing on the streets and earning money to support his 3 years old daughter Sugar. This is a wonderful story.
Hence the book claims that a trans-disciplinary dialogue between the art of acting and the art of philosophical thinking calls for an aesthetical research that questions and begins to seek alternatives to traditionally established and ...
This is a wonderful story for children about two young children who find Indian Head pennies that are able to work miracles. This is a fun screenplay for all ages from a movie soon to be released by Boat Angel Family Films.
This is the script in English and Spanish for the upcoming Boat Angel Family Films release. Two Pennies. This is a wonderful story about a girl who finds 2 blessed Indian Head pennies that are able to help her do miracles.You will love it.