In this book you will learn: *Building a network requires focus and determination. *Creativity counts. *Following up with people is so important that it warrants scheduling on your daily calendar.
Research in Islamic media is still in its infancy, especially in English. This book, presented by IIIT to the students of Islamization of knowledge, is a recent contribution to this great civilizational project.
This book focuses on the analysis of the four festivals organised by the Delegation of the European Union to China, the EU-China International Literary Festival. The Festival has been held twice a year in China since 2017.
The book also estimates the level of growth required to meet specific jobs targets and finds that the growth burden is lower when on-farm and off-farm segments of agribusiness grow in tandem and higher if either segment stagnates.
Jangan lupa, ada juga tema-tema lain, seperti Marketing Konten, Kabar Medsos, Teropong Waktu, Fiksi Mini, dan sebagainya. Selamat membaca, selamat belajar, dan selamat Hari Pendidikan Nasional!
Dalam beberapa situasi, komunikasi bisnis saat ini sudah beralih ke media elektronik digital. Pemanfaatan internet dan sosial media cenderung menjadi bias komunikasi di organisasi.
This book discusses the implementation of a balanced scorecard for communication quality. it provides indicators for communication management of organizations that can freely be used.