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This book provides guidance for judicial officer in the conduct of civil proceedings, from preliminary matters to the conduct of final proceedings and the assessment of damages and costs.
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Biografi over den kendte engelske flyver, racerkører, motoringeniør og motorfabrikant Harry George Hawker.
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The Aboriginal history, white settlement, early land division, speculating and subdivision, commercial growth, ferries and the story of the Parramatta River are covered in detail in this heavily illustrated book. Published in October 2001.
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This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
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James Hosmer, son of Stephen Hosmer, was baptized in 1605 in Hawkhurst, county of Kent, England and later settled in Massachusetts.
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This book sheds light on all aspects of earnings claims, including defining what an earnings claim really is, the origins of its regulation under the franchise disclosure laws, how a franchisor should prepare an earnings claim, how a ...
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The 50th Anniversary edition of the ground-breaking, worldwide bestselling feminist tract. ‘The Female Eunuch retains that power of transformation; it asserts the possibility of creativity within female experience’ Guardian