inauthor:"Etienne Wenger" from
La théorie des communautés de pratique propose une théorie de l'apprentissage qui découle de l'hypothèse suivante : l'engagement dans une pratique sociale est le processus fondamental par lequel on apprend et on évolue en tant qu ...
inauthor:"Etienne Wenger" from
ナレッジ・マネジメントを超えて コミュニティ・オブ・プラクティス(実践コミュニティ)とは、あるテーマに関する関心や問題、熱意などを共有し、その分野の知識や技能を、持 ...
inauthor:"Etienne Wenger" from
This is a case study of the University Innovation Fellows student program, an example of how their theories have played out in higher education.
inauthor:"Etienne Wenger" from
This highly readable book does not require familiarity with systems theory or practice. It is for and about people who find themselves doing systems convening simply because it is essential to the difference they care to make.
inauthor:"Etienne Wenger" from
"What does it take to launch and sustain a community of practice initiative? This book helps guide individuals, teams, and organizations through the process.