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inauthor: Edmund R. Burke from
... Edmund Burke , then agent for the colony of New York . He was elected a ... R. and Edward Livingston were descended . Liv'ing - stone or Living - ston ... in author of a " Review of the Military Operations in North the speeches ...
inauthor: Edmund R. Burke from
... in Author : The Bohemian , Hesperus , and Other Poems ; Vision of Nimrod ... r of prose and poetry to various periodicals . Residence : 1239 Vt . Av ... Edmund Burke , prof . psychology Brown Univ . , since 1891 ; b . Dover , Me ...
inauthor: Edmund R. Burke from
... EDMUND BURKE'S TABLE - TALK . - Lady Houghton ( lately Mrs. R. Monckton Milnes ) has lately con- tributed to the ... in author of " California Life Illustrated . " The first San Francisco , " written by the Rev. W. Taylor , is ...
inauthor: Edmund R. Burke from
... EDMUND BURKE , containing Speeches in Author , by Themselves . No. 1.-IX. Essays on Cra- HE WORKS of the late Right Honour Rioscopy , Craniology , Phrenology , & c . By Sir Toby Tickletoby , Bart . Chap . 1 , 2 , and 3.-X. The Muses ...
inauthor: Edmund R. Burke from
... R. , ) an American statesman , historian , was born at Patavium ( now Padua ) ... in author of a " Review of the Military Operations in North the speeches ... Edmund Burke , then agent for the colony of New York . He was elected a ...
inauthor: Edmund R. Burke from
... Edward Moxon , Dover street . REVISION OF THE METROPOLITAN BUILDINGS ' ACT . R HOSKING'S GUIDE to the PROPER REGULATION of BUILDINGS , STREETS , & c . may now be had . Price 3s . 6d . John Murray , Albemarle street . PASSING THOUGHTS on ...
inauthor: Edmund R. Burke from
... r BUSINESS MANAGER OF THE CHICAGO EVENING POST . REAL ABILITY RECOGNIZED ... in author's cor- rections .... 53 minutes . " " 4 35 1 hour 32 minutes . 40 minutes . SOME BRITISH ... Edmund Burke said. MARCH 17 , 1898 THE FOURTH ESTATE.
inauthor: Edmund R. Burke from
... Burke and Chatham . By JOHN TIMB , F.S.A. Crown 8vo , with Portraits . 6s ... Edmund Evans . Post 4to , price 59. boards . " The Princess Nobody ' is a ... R. MOUNTENEY JEPHSON , Author of " The Girl he left Behind Him , " & c ...