: to squeeze or twist especially so as to make dry or to extract moisture or liquid. wring a towel dry. 2. : to extract or obtain by or as if by twisting and compressing. wring water from a towel.
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Meaning of wring in English ... to twist a cloth or piece of clothing with your hands to remove water from it: She wrung out the shirt and hung it out to dry.
to twist and compress, or compress without twisting, in order to force out water or other liquid (often followed by out ): to wring clothes.
To wring something is to twist or squeeze it, usually out of its original shape. If you annoy someone enough, they might threaten to wring your neck.
1. a. to squeeze, press, twist, or compress, esp. so as to force out water or other liquid b. to force out (water or other liquid) by this means, as from wet ...
WRING meaning: 1 : to twist and squeeze (wet cloth, hair, etc.) to remove water often + out sometimes used figuratively; 2 : to get (something) out of ...
verb. ˈriŋ Definition of wring. as in to extort. to get (as money) by the use of force or threats that bill collector is willing to do anything to wring money ...
To bend or strain (something) out of its position; to wrench, to wrest. to wring a mast. To contort or screw up (the face or its features). To twist or wind ( ...
to hold your hands together, and twist and press them together in a way that shows you are anxious or upset, especially when you cannot change the situation.
Dec 28, 2020 · Wring is a verb, which means to squeeze or twist something with your hands in opposite direction in order to extract or force liquid from it.