- used or expended carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose."wasted fuel"synonyms: squandered, misspent, misdirected, misused, dissipated, frittered away, pointless, useless, unnecessary, needless, not needed, blown, splurged, missed, lost, past, forfeited, neglected, bungled, gone, gone by the board, down the drain
- (of a person or a part of the body) weak or emaciated."her wasted arm"synonyms: emaciated, atrophied, withered, shriveled, weak, weakened, frail, shrunken, skeletal, rickety, scrawny, cadaverous, wilted, faded, flagging, deteriorating, degenerative, gaunt, haggard, wizened, undernourished, starved, half-starved
- under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs."he looked kind of wasted"synonyms: drunk, drunken, inebriated, intoxicated, befuddled, incapable, tipsy, the worse for drink, under the influence, maudlin, blind drunk, dead drunk, rolling drunk, roaring drunk, (as) drunk as a lord, (as) drunk as a skunk, sottish, tippling, toping, gin-soaked, tight, merry, the worse for wear, woozy, pie-eyed, two/three sheets to the wind, under the table, plastered, smashed, wrecked, sloshed, well oiled, sozzled, soused, blotto, blitzed, canned, stewed, pickled, tanked (up), soaked, bombed, hammered, blasted, off one's face, out of/off one's head, out of one's skull, wired, in one's cups, reeling, cock-eyed, zonked, guttered, fuddled, stinko, ratted, legless, steaming, bevvied, paralytic, Brahms and Liszt, half cut, out of it, having had a skinful, bladdered, trolleyed, well away, squiffy, tiddly, out of one's box, having had one over the eight, cut, steamed, mullered, slaughtered, lashed, fou, full, shickered, shot, turnt, grogged up, as full as a goog, inked, munted, lekker, tired and emotional, stoned, lit up, as tight as a tick, half seas over, pixilated, sotted, besotted, foxed, screwed, crapulent, crapulous, inebriate, bibulous, ebrious, ebriose, ebriate, pissed, as pissed as a newt/fart, rat-arsed, arseholed
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Aug 1, 2024 · The meaning of WASTED is laid waste : ravaged. How to use wasted in a sentence.
5 days ago · wasted adjective (DRUNK). slang. very drunk or sickfrom drugs: He was too wasted to drive. Paula was completely wasted after only one drink.
adjective ... done to no avail; useless: wasted efforts. physically or psychologically exhausted; debilitated: to be wasted by a long illness.
(of an organ or body part) diminished in size or strength as a result of disease or injury or lack of use. synonyms: atrophied, diminished. see moresee less.
Diminished or reduced in substance, bulk, strength, health, etc.; worn, decayed. ?a1513. A waistit wolroun.
4 senses: 1. not exploited or taken advantage of 2. useless or unprofitable 3. physically enfeebled and emaciated 4. slang.... Click for more definitions.
WASTED meaning: 1 : not used, spent, etc., in a good, useful, or effective way; 2 : very thin because of sickness or lack of food.
1. Laying waste : devastating. 2. Undergoing or causing decay or loss of strength. Wasting diseases such as tuberculosis.
/ˈweɪstɪd/ [only before noun] (of an action) unsuccessful because it does not produce the result you wanted. We had a wasted trip—they weren't in.
Adjective · Not profitably used. synonyms △. Synonyms: down the toilet, misspent, squandered · Ravaged or deteriorated. synonym △. Synonyms: see Thesaurus: ...