
Learn to pronounce wake

  1. emerge or cause to emerge from a state of sleep; stop sleeping.
    "she woke up feeling better"
    synonyms: awake, awaken, waken (up), rouse, stir, come to, come around, get up, get out of bed, bestir oneself, get going, come alive, show signs of life, arise, waken, arouse, bring to, bring around, knock up
  2. hold a vigil beside (someone who has died).
    "we waked Jim last night"

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Aug 31, 2024 · 1. to be or remain awake 2. to stand watch over (as a dead body); especially : to hold a wake over 3. to arouse from or as if from sleep : awake
verb (used without object) · to become roused from sleep; awake; awaken; waken (often followed by up ). · to become roused from a tranquil or inactive state; ...
to become awake and conscious after sleeping, or to cause someone to stop sleeping: [ I ] Did you wake at all during the night? [ T ] The noise of the storm ...
1. to come out of sleep or a state like or suggestive of sleep, as a stupor or trance; awake often with up 2. to be or stay awake 3. to become active or ...
WAKE meaning: 1 : to cause (a person or animal) to be awake after sleeping often + up; 2 : to stop sleeping to become awake after sleeping usually + up.
To wake is come out of sleep, a verb you'll recognize from "Wake up! You're asleep at the wheel!" You can wake feelings, as well as the people who are having ...
1. a. To cease to sleep; become awake: overslept and woke late. b. To stay awake: Bears wake for spring, summer, and fall and hibernate for the winter.
1. a. To cease to sleep; become awake: overslept and woke late. b. To stay awake: Bears wake for spring, summer, and fall and hibernate for the winter.
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Less commonly used than "woke" meaning “to stop sleeping”; Commonly used for the meaning of laying out a body prior to burial.
Aug 29, 2024 · a : to cease sleeping : to become awake I woke up late this morning. When I woke up on Monday the sky was the color of mercury, and the air was heavy with ...