
Learn to pronounce vo·ca·lise

a singing exercise using individual syllables or vowel sounds to develop flexibility and control of pitch and tone.

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Vocalise definition: a musical composition consisting of the singing of melody with vowel sounds or nonsense syllables rather than text, as for special ...
Aug 31, 2024 · 1. to give voice to : utter specifically : sing 2. a : to make voiced rather than voiceless : voice b : to convert to a vowel 3. to furnish (something, such as ...
1. a singing exercise using sol-fa syllables or other vowel sounds 2. a vocal composition or passage using vowel sounds instead of words.
sing (each note a scale or in a melody) with the same vowel. synonyms: vocalize. see moresee less. type of: sing. produce tones with the voice.
verb (used with object) · to make vocal; utter; articulate; sing. · to endow with a voice; cause to utter. · (of Hebrew, Arabic, and other writing systems that ...
noun NAmE//ˌvoʊkəˈliz// (music) an exercise for practicing singing in which syllables or vowel sounds are repeated.
vocalise · to make vocal; utter; articulate; sing. · to endow with a voice; cause to utter. · Phonetics. to voice. to change into a vowel (contrasted with ...
When you speak, sing, or utter any kind of sound, you vocalize. A tiny baby can only vocalize gurgles and coos, but by the time she's three or four, ...
noun /ˈvəʊkəlaɪz/ /ˈvəʊkəlaɪz/ (music) an exercise for practising singing in which syllables or vowel sounds are repeated.