
Learn to pronounce val·ue

  1. the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.
    "your support is of great value"
    synonyms: merit, worth, usefulness, use, utility, practicality, advantage, desirability, benefit, gain, profit, good, service, help, helpfulness, assistance, effectiveness, efficacy, avail, importance, significance, point, sense, mileage
  2. a person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life.
    "they internalize their parents' rules and values"
    synonyms: principles, moral principles, ethics, moral code, morals, moral values, standards, moral standards, code of behavior, rules of conduct, standards of behavior
  3. the numerical amount denoted by an algebraic term; a magnitude, quantity, or number.
    "the mean value of x"
  4. the relative duration of the sound signified by a note.
  5. the meaning of a word or other linguistic unit.
  6. the relative degree of lightness or darkness of a particular color.
    "the artist has used adjacent color values as the landscape recedes"

  1. estimate the monetary worth of (something).
    "his estate was valued at $45,000"
    synonyms: evaluate, assess, estimate, appraise, assay, rate, price, put/set a price on, cost (out)
  2. consider (someone or something) to be important or beneficial; have a high opinion of.
    "she had come to value her privacy and independence"
    synonyms: appreciate, rate (highly), esteem, hold in high esteem, hold in high regard, hold dear, have a high opinion of, think highly of, think much of, set (great) store by, attach importance to, respect, admire, prize, cherish, treasure, cherished, treasured, dear, prized, favorite, precious, worth its/one's weight in gold, special, appreciated, esteemed, respected, highly regarded, well thought of

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1. The monetary worth of something : market price. 2. A fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for something exchanged. 3. Relative worth, ...
VALUE meaning: 1. the amount of money that can be received for something: 2. the importance or worth of something…. Learn more.
noun relative worth, merit, or importance: He knows the value of a college education. In chess, the queen has a very high value.
Value has to do with how much something is worth, either in terms of cash or importance. As a verb, it means "holding something in high regard," (like "I value ...
VALUE meaning: 1 : the amount of money that something is worth the price or cost of something; 2 : something that can be bought for a low or fair price.
value in American English · 1. relative worth, merit, or importance · 2. monetary or material worth, as in commerce or trade · 3. the worth of something in ...
value how much something is worth in money or other goods for which it can be exchanged: The winner will receive a prize to the value of £1 000. Especially in ...
6 days ago · the beliefs people have, especially about what is right and wrong and what is most important in life, that control their behavior.
1. having value : worth a lot of money The burglars stole everything of value in my apartment. 2. useful or important They didn't have anything of value to say.
The definition of value is the worth of something compared to the price paid or asked for it. We can all find the price of an item or solution, but is it ...