definition urosome from
... urosome . Urosome ( u - ro - som ) [ ovpá , tail ; oōua , body ] . In bi- ology : ( a ) The last segment of the tail of a vertebrate ; ( b ) the abdomen or post - abdomen of an arthropod . Urosomite ( u - ro - so ' - mut ) . Same as ...
definition urosome from
... DEFINITION : Urosome 3 - segmented in the female , 5- segmented in the male . Female leg 5 symmetrical , 3 - segmented , last segment small and extending into a point . Male leg 5 very asymmetrical ; left leg slender , elongate , 6 ...
definition urosome from
... Definition and Diagnostic Characters Harpacticoida , one of seven orders of the subclass Copepoda , contains small ... urosome behind the constriction . In most of these , the anterior prosome is further divided into a cephalosome ...
definition urosome from
... Definition and Diagnostic Characters Harpacticoida , one of seven orders of the subclass Copepoda , contains small ... urosome behind the constriction . In most of these , the anterior prosome is further divided into a cephalosome ...
definition urosome from
... dictionary, is misleading. Letter to Nature: nature/journal/v331/n6152/abs/331192a0.html (2) The anterior region of a copepod comprising the cephalo- some (head region) and metasome (thorax) and excluding the urosome ...
definition urosome from
... Definition and Diagnostic Characters Harpacticoida , one of seven orders of the subclass Copepoda , contains small ... urosome behind the constriction . In most of these , the anterior prosome is further divided into a cephalosome ...
definition urosome from
... DEFINITION : Body large with short urosome . Head and pedigerous segment 1 , also pedigerous segments 4 and 5 , fused . Female rostrum atrophied , posterior corners of metasome produced into terminally rounded lobes , urosomal segments ...
definition urosome from
... Urosome small , two - segmented . " In the first definition the genital segment enters into the trunk , in the second definition no genital segment is mentioned , whereas the part of the body which was previously termed the abdomen is ...
definition urosome from
... urosome ( u'rösōm ) n . [ Gk . oura , tail ; soma , body . ] Tail region of Fish ; the abdomen of an Arthro- pod ( zool . ) . urostege ( u'röstēj ) n . [ Gk . oura , tail ; stege , roof . ] A ventral tail- plate of a Serpent ( zool ...
definition urosome from
... Urosome small , two - segmented . " In the first definition the genital segment enters into the trunk , in the second definition no genital segment is mentioned , whereas the part of the body which was previously termed the abdomen is ...