
Learn to pronounce un·do·cu·ment·ed

  1. not recorded in or proved by documents.
    "earlier, undocumented settlements"
  2. not having the appropriate legal document or license.
    "undocumented immigrants"

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We define the term “undocumented” broadly to include all immigrants who reside in the United States without legal status.
: not documented: such as a : not supported by documentary evidence undocumented expenditures b : lacking documents required for legal immigration or residence.
Undocumented immigrants are individuals who have either illegally entered the United States without inspection, or legally entered the United States with valid ...
Legal immigrants are foreign-born people legally admitted to the US. Undocumented immigrants, also called illegal aliens, are foreign-born people who do not ...
Undocumented – Undocumented refers to students who are not U.S. citizens or Permanent Residents of the United States, who do not hold a visa to reside in ...
Proponents of the term “illegal immigrant” also reject the alternative term “undocumented” on the grounds that it obscures the “legal reality” of the ...
not having any documents to prove that you are living or working in a country legally: undocumented immigrants/workers.
More commonly referred to as undocumented immigrants, illegal immigrants are aliens who enter or remain in a country unlawfully.
The undocumented got their documents and we got at least 11 million more illegal immigrants. From The Daily Beast. But how exactly does an undocumented ...
Video for definition undocumented
May 24, 2021 · An undocumented immigrant is a person with a continued residence in the United States ...
Duration: 0:52
Posted: May 24, 2021