definition traitoress from
... meaning one who came from the sea . " Father Lampkins watched the train round a curve then pick up speed again . " Her own people called her la Malinche meaning traitoress . Cortez was smitten by her charms as he called her mi lengua or ...
definition traitoress from
... traitorous ; treachery , rings into which bit - straps may be buckled . training - level , s . father ; wē , wět , hëre , camel , her , thêre ; tram - car , s . The same as TRAMWAY. train - band * ( 5 ) The rear part of an army ...
definition traitoress from
... Traitoress , -tress , n . A woman who be- trays . Traitorous , -ter - us , a . Guilty of treason ; treacherous ; perfidious ; faithless ; consisting in , or partaking of , treason.- Traitorously , adv . - Trai'- torousness , n.- Trea ...
definition traitoress from
... definition traitorous . It was sticking . None of the arguments smacked of substance . The campaign had come down to mud - slinging , trading insult for insult . Both sides were hurling charges of election fraud. The Democrats accused ...
definition traitoress from
... definition traitorous; the cry of a “rich man's war and a poor man's fight " was especially.
definition traitoress from
... dictionary , ( but what he ever intended doing with it , the good Lord only knows ) and the first thing necessary would be to look up the definition ... Traitoress , Texas Scabess and " Broken Dishes " came in and proposed a game of high ...
definition traitoress from
... definition postulates a ME . verb trayle - n ' to track , follow the trail or track of ' , in use in the fourteenth century . The occurrence of the verb is unusual , if not exceptional , for it appears with the meaning ... traitoress ' . but ...
definition traitoress from
Containing Obvious Definitions and Rules for Speaking and Writing Correctly Albert Picket, John W. Picket. Male ... traitoress Propaet prophetess Tutor tutress or Proprietor proprietress tutoress Protector protectress Tyrant ...
definition traitoress from
Embracing Radical and Derivative Orthography, with Concise and Appropriate Definitions ... Together with a Grammar ... Traitoress , Heroess , or Sorcerer , Hero , Sorceress , Heroine Viscount , Viscountess , Elector , Electress ...