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Tickle v Giggle: transgender woman sues female-only ‘online refuge’ for alleged discrimination in landmark case
The Guardian
Roxanne Tickle claims she was blocked from using the Giggle for Girls app because its CEO said she was a man.
5 months ago
Roxanne Tickle’s win in the federal court is a historic victory for transgender women
The Conversation
In Tickle vs Giggle, the court had to consider where gender identity sits in the Sex Discrimination Act. The landmark decision sets up a...
1 month ago
8 Spiritual Reasons Why Your Nose Might Be Itching
Parade Magazine
Winter is here, which means it's the season of snowy weather, chilly afternoons and itchy noses. While that can sometimes mean you need to...
8 months ago
What Would J.K. Rowling Say About Tickle v Giggle? -
News Weekly
The Federal Court of Australia is considering the case of Roxanne Tickle, a transgender male-to-female. Tickle made a discrimination complaint.
5 months ago
The surprising reasons why we tickle one another
The Washington Post
Most people experience tickling positively when it's consensual. "If you look at children, if you tickle them, they run away, but they typically come back," he...
103 months ago
The Case Against Tickling (Published 2020)
The New York Times
Tickling can overwhelm the nervous system and make children feel helpless and out of control. The reflexive laughter can disguise discomfort, and even pain.
50 months ago
Why the Hell Did Humans Evolve to Be Ticklish?
Beginning with a dictionary definition is the tactic of the cowardly writer, and yet, here we go: According to an aggregation of medical...
92 months ago
Why tickling turns some people on
Tickling can be sexually arousing for some people. In fact, in some cases it can manifest as a cornerstone of someone's entire sexual template.
15 months ago
This is how to stop yourself being ticklish
It's actually pretty hard to pin down a scientific definition of tickling. This is probably because it's a phenomenon that involves a range...
113 months ago
The Physical Touch Love Language Explained
Verywell Mind
If your love language is physical touch, then that means you prefer physical expressions of love over all other expressions (such as verbal compliments or...
17 months ago