
Learn to pronounce tick

  1. a regular short, sharp sound, especially that made by a clock or watch.
    synonyms: clicking, click, clack, clacking, click-clack, ticking, tick-tock, snick, snicking, plock, plocking, beat, tap, tapping
  2. a mark (✓) used to indicate that an item in a list or text is correct or has been chosen, checked, or dealt with; a check mark.
    synonyms: mark, stroke, dash, line, check, check mark
  3. the smallest recognized amount by which a price of a security or future may fluctuate.

  1. (of a clock or other mechanical device) make regular short sharp sounds, typically one for every second of time that passes.
    "I could hear the clock ticking"
    synonyms: click, clack, tick-tock, snick, plock, beat, tap
  2. mark (an item) with a tick or select (a box) on a form, questionnaire, etc., to indicate that something has been chosen, checked, approved, or dealt with.
    "just tick the appropriate box below"
    synonyms: mark, mark off, check off, indicate

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1. a : a light rhythmic audible tap or beat also : a series of such ticks b : the time taken by the tick of a clock : moment 2. a small spot or mark
TICK meaning: 1. a mark (✓) that shows that something is correct or has been done: 2. a very short time: 3. the…. Learn more.
a moment or instant. a small dot, mark, check, or electronic signal, as used to mark off an item on a list, serve as a reminder, or call attention to something.
1. a light touch; pat 2. a light clicking or tapping sound, as that made by the escapement of a watch or clock 3. a mark (✓, /, etc.) made to check off items; ...
To tick is to make a steady tapping sound. When something ticks — be it a clock, a watch, an oven timer, or a metronome — it's usually a reminder that time ...
[singular] : a small, quick sound that is made by a machine (such as a clock) and that often occurs in a series to produce a rhythm. the tick of a clock.
[intransitive] (of a clock, etc.) to make short, light, regular repeated sounds to mark time passing. In the silence we could hear the clock ticking.
8 days ago · a mark (✓) that shows something is correct or has been done; tick noun [C] (INSECT) a small insect that sucks the blood of animals.
Ticks are external parasites, living by feeding on the blood of mammals, birds, and sometimes reptiles and amphibians.
idiom informal : the things that cause someone to behave a certain way : the feelings, opinions, concerns, etc., that are parts of someone's personality.