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Learn to pronounce thud

a dull, heavy sound, such as that made by an object falling to the ground.
"he hit the floor with a terrific thud"
synonyms: thump, clunk, clonk, crash, smash, smack, bang, boom, thunder, wallop, stomp, stamp, clump, clomp, wham, whump

move, fall, or strike something with a dull, heavy sound.
"the bullets thudded into the dusty ground"
synonyms: thump, clunk, clonk, crash, smash, smack, bang, thunder, stomp, stamp, clump, clomp, wham, whump

37 minutes ago ˇ Franklin County's daily newspaper, The Recorder, in Greenfield, Massachusetts, is one of ...
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9 minutes ago ˇ AmoMama is a go-to for every woman for the latest and most trending content from around the world. Health advises, inspiring stories, celebrity news, ...
9 minutes ago ˇ If she robbed Tapion of his remaining ki, Hirudegarn wouldn't be a threat. Her undead heart skipped a beat as the monster landed in a booming thud right before ...
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11 minutes ago ˇ Shrill soundtracks and crass sound effects dominate the soundscape. The basic and chunky thuds will make you laugh. Yet, it works surprisingly well, especially ...
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52 minutes ago ˇ The F-105, or 'Thud,' was used during the Vietnam War as a fighter/bomber plane. The plane that is now housed at the Aviation Heritage Park has a deep ...
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