
Learn to pronounce sus·pire

"we only live, only suspire Consumed by either fire or fire"

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verb · to sigh or utter with a sigh; yearn · intr to breathe; respire. “Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 ...
When you suspire, you breathe deeply or sigh. You might suspire melodramatically as you listen to your best friend complain about her allowance for the ...
2 senses: archaic or poetic 1. to sigh or utter with a sigh; yearn 2. to breathe; respire.... Click for more definitions.
(obsolete) A long, deep breath; a sigh. Part or all of this entry has been imported ...
What does the noun suspire mean? There is one meaning in OED's entry for the noun suspire. See 'Meaning & use' for definition, usage, and quotation evidence.
Synonyms for SUSPIRE: gasp, wheeze, puff, pant, huff, blow (out), inspire, breathe; Antonyms of SUSPIRE: choke, suffocate, smother, gag, asphyxiate, ...
sus·pire ... 1. To breathe: "And from that one intake of fire / All creatures still warmly suspire" (Robert Frost). 2. To sigh. [Middle English suspiren, to sigh, ...
verb suspires, suspiring To take a long, deep breath; esp., to sigh. Webster's New World To breathe. Wiktionary Similar definitions To sigh.
suspire /səˈspaɪə/ vb archaic or poetic. to sigh or utter with a sigh; yearn; (intransitive) to breathe; respire. Etymology: 15th Century: from Latin ...