Subjugation is like oppression or conquest: one group takes control over another and forces them to do as they're told. Subjugation is one of many types of injustice in the world. It has to do with one group of people dominating another group by taking away their freedom.

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the action of bringing someone or something under domination or control.
"the colonial subjugation of a country by means of brute military force"

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1. to bring under control and governance as a subject : conquer 2. to make submissive : subdue subjugation ˌsəb-ji-ˈgā-shən noun
the act of defeating people or a country and ruling them in a way that allows them no freedom: They are bravely resisting subjugation ...
noun. the act, fact, or process of subjugating, or bringing under control; enslavement: The subjugation of the American Indians happened across the country.
Definition of subjugation as in conquest : the act or process of bringing someone or something under one's control.
to treat yourself, your wishes, or your beliefs as being less important than other people or their wishes or beliefs: She subjugated ...
to defeat and gain control of (someone or something) by the use of force : to conquer and gain the obedience of (a group of people, a country, etc.).
1. to bring under complete control or subjection; conquer; master 2. to make submissive or subservient; enslave
[uncountable] (formal) the act of defeating somebody/something; complete control over somebody/something. the subjugation of Ireland by England. the  ...
to bring under complete control or subjection; conquer; master. Synonyms: overpower, reduce, vanquish, overcome to make submissive or subservient; enslave.