strap·hang·er ˈstrap-ˌhaŋ-ər. : a standing passenger in a subway, streetcar, bus, or train who clings for support to one of the short straps or similar devices placed along the aisle.
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someone who travels regularly from home in a suburb to work in a city. noun. a standing subway or bus passenger who grips a hanging strap for support. ...
Straphanger definition: a passenger who stands in a crowded bus or subway train and holds onto a strap or other support suspended from above.
Jul 18, 2017 · It means something like a hanger-on person who does not productively contribute to the mission, but who takes credit for it anyway.
a standing passenger, as on a crowded bus or subway car, who holds onto a hanging strap or the like for support.
Transit passengers · Straphanger (specifically), a standing passenger on a subway or bus · Straphanger (more generally), a commuter who uses public ...
n. 1. a standing passenger in a bus or subway train who holds onto a strap or other support suspended from above. 2.
strap•hang•er USA pronunciation n. a passenger who stands in a crowded bus or subway train and holds onto a strap or other support suspended from above.
straphanger (plural straphangers). A person who travels using public transportation (often standing up and holding on to a strap).
Oct 10, 2017 · strap-hanger (n.) also straphanger "rider on a street-car, elevated-train, bus, or subway," 1901, from strap (n.) + hanger.
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