... Dictionary by FARLEX , found online , defines the word saved this way . The Rescued from harm , danger , or loss ... spared . Preserved from harm or loss . ( 1 ) Looking to the FARLEX definition , I have to conclude that Jesus said ...
... spare me a dollar ? 3 to use economically : Spare the butter as there's not much left . Figurative No expense was spared ( = denied ) . ⚫ spare noun sparrow 1 something extra or in reserve : This tyre is a spare . 2 Tenpin bowling a ...
... definition , is thus avoided ; the child is spared both the definition and the power to define . Narrative point of view and the projection of an implied reader con- stitute a textual microcosm of Novick's argument that " every ...
... definition , who merely notices the word without etymology or authority . It is not perhaps an old word in our language . The boxers understand it better , no doubt , as a term among ... spared not to say that they should be SPA SPA.
... definition , who merely notices the word without etymology or authority . It is not perhaps an old word in our language . The boxers understand it better , no doubt , as a term among ... spared not to say that they should be SPA SPA.
... spared . ” Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language and the Oxford English Dictionary give " secure " two ... definition of " secure " can fairly be used to convey the meaning of " spared . " It is improper to read the ...
... spare time I a spare tyre 2 small or meagre : a spare diet 3 thin or lean : a spare frame spare verb 4 to deliberately avoid hurting , damaging or destroying a person , animal , place and so on : The general spared the man's life . 5 to ...
... definition , regional musculoskeletal pain occurs in the course of activities that are customary and usually ... spared any coincidental demonstrable specific damage . These people have to prove their illness in the absence of ...
... Definition (encyclopedic in Detail), the Origin, Pronunciation and Use of ... mean originally fresh from the hands of the workmen ; fresh - cut . ] Quite ... spared a better man . " Shakesp .: Henry IV . , Pt . I. , v . 4 . 4. To ...
... DICTIONARY . 1 vol . 32mo , 5s . In the compilation of this Dictionary no labour has been spared to render it complete in every desirable particular . The plan has been adopted after a careful examination of the Dictionaries already in ...