Sonication is the act of applying sound energy to agitate particles in a sample, for various purposes such as the extraction of multiple compounds from plants, ...
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Sonication is defined as the process in which sound waves are used to agitate the particles in the solutions. These disruptions are used for mixing of the ...
Sonication is the act of applying ultrasonic energy to agitate particles in a sample. In a laboratory, this is usually accomplished by use of an ultrasonic bath ...
The meaning of SONICATE is to disrupt (something) by exposure to high-frequency sound waves. How to use sonicate in a sentence.
Sonication is a method used to load drugs into exosomes by allowing hydrophilic or lipophilic drugs to enter the exosome phospholipid bilayer.
A pulse of ultrasonic energy. It is used to heat up and destroy diseased tissue.
Sonication is the process of using energy to move particles around in a solution given. Typically, we do it for the purpose of cleaning or separating different ...
A treatment using ultrasound.... Click for pronunciations, examples sentences, video.
Aug 22, 2023 · Sonication is the process of agitating particles or discontinuous fibres in a liquid by using sound energy.
Sonicate refers to applying sound energy or waves at high frequencies to a liquid or solution sample.
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