- a person who sells something."street sellers of newspapers, flowers, etc."synonyms: vendor, retailer, purveyor, shopkeeper, supplier, stockist, trader, merchant, dealer, salesperson, salesman, saleswoman, sales assistant, assistant, shop assistant, representative, sales representative, agent, negotiator, reseller, auctioneer, sales clerk, counter-jumper, rep, knight of the road, saleslady, salesgirl, shop boy, shop girl, shopman, pedlar, hawker, traveler, commercial traveler, chapman
- a product that sells in some specified way."the game will undoubtedly be the biggest seller of the year"
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5 days ago · 1. One that offers for sale. 2. A marketed product that sells well, to a specified extent, or in a specified manner.
a person or organization that sells something: The seller is able to sell the goods elsewhere for more than the buyer had agreed to pay.
A seller is any individual or entity, who exchanges a good or service in return for payment. In the options market, a seller is also called a writer.
1. a person who sells; vendor 2. something that sells: usually with reference to its rate of sale a good seller
noun · a person who sells; sell; salesperson or vender. · an article considered with reference to its sales: sales: one of the poorest sellers.
noun : a market in which goods are scarce, buyers have a limited range of choice, and prices are high
SELLER meaning: 1 : a person or business that sells something; 2 : a product that sells in a particular way or amount.
someone who promotes or exchanges goods or services for money. synonyms: marketer, trafficker, vender, vendor. see moresee less. types: show 16 types.
A seller is a person or business that sells goods or property to a buyer. This can be an individual selling something on a small scale, or a large corporation ...
seller · a person who sells something. a flower seller; The law is intended to protect both the buyer and the seller. compare vendor see also booksellerTopics ...