disorder or disarrange (someone's hair), typically by running one's hands through it.
"the father laughs and jovially ruffles his son's hair"
synonyms: disarrange, tousle, dishevel, rumple, run one's fingers through, make untidy, tumble, riffle, disorder, mess up, make a mess of, tangle, muss, muss up
- a strip of lace or other material, gathered along one edge to make an ornamental frill on a garment or other piece of fabric.synonyms: frill, flounce, ruff, ruche, jabot, furbelow
- a vibrating drumbeat.
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Sep 6, 2024 · The meaning of RUFFLE is roughen, abrade. How to use ruffle in a sentence.
verb (used without object) · to be or become ruffled; undulate; flutter: · to be or become vexed or irritated. · to put on airs; swagger.
8 days ago · 1. affected by a loss of calmness or composure; he is reserved and gracious, though gets a bit ruffled when asked about things he considers too personal.
to touch or move something smooth so that it is not even: She affectionately ruffled his hair with her hand as she passed.
A ruffle is a pleated piece of decorative fabric often used as trim on clothes, like the ruffles on a pirate's shirt. To ruffle is to make someone lose their ...
ruffle in American English 1 · 1. to destroy the smoothness or evenness of · 2. to erect (the feathers), as a bird in anger · 3. to disturb, vex, or irritate.
RUFFLE meaning: 1 : to move or lift (something) so that it is no longer smooth; 2 : to make (someone) irritated, annoyed, worried, etc. usually used as (be) ...
adjective · (of apparel) having ruffles. · disturbed, vexed, or irritated.
to annoy or upset someone or a group of people The senator's speech ruffled a few feathers in the business world.
definition 1: to disturb a smooth, even surface. Wind ruffled the surface of the pond. synonyms: agitate, ripple antonyms: smooth similar words: flutter. ...