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Learn to pronounce rout

  1. a disorderly retreat of defeated troops.
    "the retreat degenerated into a rout"
    synonyms: disorderly retreat, retreat, flight, headlong flight
  2. an assembly of people who have made a move toward committing an illegal act which would constitute an offense of riot.
  3. a large evening party or reception.

defeat and cause to retreat in disorder.
"in a matter of minutes the attackers were routed"
synonyms: put to flight, put to rout, drive off, dispel, scatter, defeat, beat, conquer, vanquish, crush, overpower, overwhelm, overthrow, subjugate

People also ask
1. a state of wild confusion or disorderly retreat 2. a : a disastrous defeat : debacle b : a precipitate flight
verb (used with object). to disperse in defeat and disorderly flight: to rout an army. to defeat decisively: to rout an opponent in conversation.
A rout is the kind of humiliating loss that makes you wish you would have been injured in the first quarter so you could have avoided the outcome.
to defeat an enemy completely and force them to run away. to defeat an opponent completely: The Russian chess team routed all the rest.
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1. a disorderly crowd; noisy mob; rabble 2. a disorderly flight or retreat, as of defeated troops to be put to rout 3. an overwhelming defeat.
ROUT meaning: 1 : a game or contest in which the winner easily defeats the loser by a large amount; 2 : a confused and disorderly retreat from a place ...
Rout Definition · A disorderly flight or retreat, as of defeated troops. · A disorderly crowd; noisy mob; rabble. · An overwhelming defeat. · A group of people; ...
Sep 2, 2024 · 1. a : a traveled way : highway the main route north b : a means of access : channel the route to social mobility — TF O'Dea 2. a line of travel : course
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Idioms. put somebody to rout. (literary) to defeat somebody easily and completely. They put the rebel army to rout.
Missing: routs | Show results with:routs
A rout /raʊt/ is a panicked, disorderly and undisciplined retreat of troops from a battlefield, following a collapse in a given unit's command authority, ...