: to discipline in or reduce to a routine. routinization. (ˌ)rü-ˌtē-nə-ˈzā-shən.
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routinization in British English or routinisation (ˌruːtɪnaɪˈzeɪʃən IPA Pronunciation Guide ) noun the state of becoming routine.
verb (used with object) ˇ to develop into a regular procedure. ˇ to reduce to a customary procedure: He seems happier now that his life is thoroughly routinized ...
Max Weber's term for the inevitable transformation of charismatic leadership into institutional authority.
The stage that comes after a movement's creative beginnings and, as a kind of reaction against the disorderly freedom of individual creativity.
1. to develop into a regular procedure 2. to reduce to a customary procedure He seems happier now that his life is thoroughly routinized.
There are two meanings listed in OED's entry for the noun routinization. See 'Meaning & use' for definitions, usage, and quotation evidence.
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routinization (countable and uncountable, plural routinizations). The process of making something routine. Related terms.
Routinization is the process of creating and encoding new forms of knowledge. Individual and collective mechanisms of learning create new memorization ...
rouˇtinˇize ... 1. To establish a routine for. 2. To reduce to a routine: a government that routinized mass murder while carrying out its totalitarian policies.