- the quality in a sound of being deep, full, and reverberating."the resonance of his voice"
- the reinforcement or prolongation of sound by reflection from a surface or by the synchronous vibration of a neighboring object.
- the condition in which an electric circuit or device produces the largest possible response to an applied oscillating signal, especially when its inductive and its capacitative reactances are balanced.
- the occurrence of a simple ratio between the periods of revolution of two bodies about a single primary.
- the state attributed to certain molecules of having a structure that cannot adequately be represented by a single structural formula but is a composite of two or more structures of higher energy.
- a short-lived subatomic particle that is an excited state of a more stable particle.
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1. a : the quality or state of being resonant b (1) : a vibration of large amplitude in a mechanical or electrical system caused by a relatively small periodic ...
RESONANCE meaning: 1. the quality of being loud and clear 2. the production of a sound as a result of vibration…. Learn more.
Resonance is the quality of being “resonant,” which can mean “strong and deep in tone” or “having a lasting effect.” If your voice has resonance, you might ...
1. the quality or state of being resonant 2. reinforcement and prolongation of a sound or musical tone by reflection or by sympathetic vibration of other ...
noun · the condition or quality of being resonant · sound produced by a body vibrating in sympathy with a neighbouring source of sound · the condition of a body ...
RESONANCE meaning: 1 : the quality of a sound that stays loud, clear, and deep for a long time; 2 : a quality that makes something personally meaningful or ...
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In physics, resonance refers to a wide class of phenomena that arise as a result of matching temporal or spatial periods of oscillatory objects.
Sep 7, 2024 · 1. continuing to sound : echoing 2. a : capable of inducing resonance b : relating to or exhibiting resonance 3. a : intensified and enriched by or as if by ...
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the sound or other vibration produced in an object by sound or vibrations of a similar frequency from another object.
Resonance is a phenomenon that occurs when the matching vibrations of another object increase the amplitude of an object's oscillations. This article will ...