recessiveness, in genetics, the failure of one of a pair of genes (alleles) present in an individual to express itself in an observable manner because of the greater influence, or dominance, of its opposite-acting partner.
Aug 23, 2024
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Aug 1, 2024 · recessiveness noun. recessive. 2 of 2. noun. 1. : an organism possessing one or more recessive characters. 2. : a recessive character or gene ...
(of a gene) capable of producing its characteristic phenotype in the organism only when its allele is identical · (of a character) controlled by such a gene ...
1. tending to go, move, or slant back; receding 2. Genetics of or pertaining to a recessive 3. Phonetics (of an accent) showing a tendency to recede from the ...
Recessiveness can be defined as the failure experienced by one of the pairs of alleles or genes to express itself that are present in a human being.
Aug 28, 2024 · of or relating to a gene (= chemical pattern) that causes a particular characteristic only when it is passed on by both parents.
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What does the noun recessiveness mean? There is one meaning in OED's entry for the noun recessiveness. See 'Meaning & use' for definition, usage, and quotation ...
For a recessive allele to produce a recessive phenotype, the individual must have two copies, one from each parent.
1. Tending to go backward or recede. 2. a. Genetics Of, relating to, or designating an allele that does not produce a characteristic effect when present with a ...
Recessive, as related to genetics, refers to the relationship between an observed trait and the two inherited versions of a gene related to that trait.
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