
Learn to pronounce ratch·et

  1. operate by means of a ratchet.
    "a ratcheted quick release system"
  2. cause something to rise or fall as a step in a steady and irreversible process.
    "the Bank of Japan ratcheted up interest rates again"

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Aug 24, 2024 · The meaning of RATCHET is a mechanism that consists of a bar or wheel having inclined teeth into which a pawl drops so that motion can be ...
verb (used with or without object). to move by degrees (often followed by up or down ):. to ratchet prices up;. Interest rates have been ratcheting downward.
A ratchet is a gadget with mechanical teeth on a wheel that moves in only one direction. Therefore, ratcheting is to move something slowly in one direction.
A ratchet is a wheel or bar with sloping teeth, which can move only in one direction, because a piece of metal stops the teeth from moving backward.
something that makes a situation change or develop in one direction only, for example by being able to rise but not fall or the other way around:.
[+ object] : to increase or decrease (something) especially by a series of small steps or amounts — usually + up or down.
There is one meaning in OED's entry for the adjective ratcheted. See 'Meaning & use' for definition, usage, and quotation evidence.
The meaning of RACHET is a mechanism that consists of a bar or wheel having inclined teeth into which a pawl drops so that motion can be imparted to the ...
ratch·et·ed, ratch·et·ing, ratch·ets. To cause to increase or decrease by increments: tried to ratchet up interest in the program. v. intr.
ratcheting costs, levels, etc. are increasing: Reduced demand and ratcheting costs are forcing many small businesses to close.
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