a bag in which scraps of fabric and old clothes are kept for use.
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1. a bag for scraps 2. a miscellaneous collection Synonyms See all Synonyms & Antonyms in Thesaurus Examples of ragbag in a Sentence gave away a ragbag of ...
a confused mixture of different types of things: His book is just a ragbag of unsupported opinions.
noun · a bag in which small pieces of cloth are kept for use in mending. · a mixture or conglomeration: a ragbag of facts, half-truths, and blatant lies.
a bag in which rags are kept. see moresee less. type of: bag. a flexible container with a single opening. noun. a motley assortment of things.
RAGBAG meaning: a collection of very different things.
3 senses: 1. a bag for storing odd rags 2. a confused assortment; jumble 3. informal a scruffy or slovenly person.... Click for more definitions.
an unorganized collection or mixture of various things; gave away a ragbag of souvenirs and trinkets she had accumulated over the years.
ragbag (plural ragbags). A bag of rags and scraps. (figurative) A collection containing a variety of miscellaneous things; a smorgasbord.
noun [singular] British English a mixture of very different things that do not seem to fit together well ragbag of a ragbag of leftover bits of food.
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ragbag · 1. a bag for storing odd rags · 2. a confused assortment; jumble: a ragbag of ideas. · 3. informal a scruffy or slovenly person.