- a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome."they have financial problems"synonyms: difficulty, issue, trouble, worry, complication, difficult situation, mess, muddle, mix-up, snag, hitch, drawback, stumbling block, obstacle, hurdle, hiccup, setback, catch, catch-22, vexed question, quandary, the rub, predicament, plight, can of worms, hornets' nest, Gordian knot, misfortune, mishap, misadventure, dilemma, headache, prob, hassle, pickle, fix, tight spot, fly in the ointment, how-do-you-do, job, gremlin, facer, katzenjammer, nodus, nuisance, source of difficulty, bother, pest, source of trouble, irritant, thorn in one's side/flesh, vexation, drag, pain, pain in the neck, fair cow, pain in the arse, pain in the ass
- an inquiry starting from given conditions to investigate or demonstrate a fact, result, or law.
denoting or relating to people whose behavior causes difficulties to themselves and others.
"practitioners help families develop strategies for managing problem behavior in teens"
People also ask
What is the best definition of problem?
How do we define a problem?
What is the literal meaning of problem?
What is the best definition for the word problem?
1. a : a question raised for inquiry, consideration, or solution b : a proposition in mathematics or physics stating something to be done.
something that causes difficulty or that is hard to deal with: Financing the camp's athletic program is a problem.
A problem is a situation, question, or thing that causes difficulty, stress, or doubt. A problem is also a question raised to inspire thought. In mathematics, a ...
A problem is a roadblock in a situation, something that sets up a conflict and forces you to find a resolution.
problem in American English · 1. a question proposed for solution or consideration · 2. a question, matter, situation, or person that is perplexing or difficult.
While all these words mean "something which baffles or perplexes," problem applies to a question or difficulty calling for a solution or causing concern.
problem · . a thing that is difficult to deal with or to understand. big/serious/major problems; She has a lot of health problems. financial/social/technical ...
The problem describes the detail of a particular challenge within a system and all the requirements for change necessary to improve the system.
a situation that causes difficulties and that needs to be dealt with: health problems, I'm having problems with my computer. Drugs have become a serious ...
What does the noun problem mean? There are nine meanings listed in OED's entry for the noun problem, three of which are labelled obsolete. See 'Meaning & use' ...