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Learn to pronounce plainˇtive

sounding sad and mournful.
"a plaintive cry"
synonyms: mournful, sad, wistful, doleful, pathetic, pitiful, piteous, melancholy, melancholic, sorrowful, unhappy, wretched, woeful, grief-stricken, broken-hearted, heartbroken, desolate, heart-rending, forlorn, woebegone, disconsolate, plangent, heartsick, dolorous

21 hours ago ˇ How many syllables in plaintive? Check the Syllable Dictionary. Learn to divide plaintive into syllables. How to pronounce plaintive.
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6 hours ago ˇ ” That plaintive sentence introduces a chapter filled with alarming news. ... defined by tiny variations in the salinity, temperature, or density of seawater.
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17 hours ago ˇ The rower sings a Southern song on the stream, So plaintive and so drear, A white gull's startled from its dream#gayart #gayartwork #queerart #gayillustration # ...
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28 minutes ago ˇ Later, before going onstage, she strikes a more plaintive note: "Chris, don't let them take me." (As it happened, Madonna did perform what Ciccone called ...
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9 hours ago ˇ An artist, designer, choreographer and dancer, he was best known for writing a grudge-settling memoir about his formerly close bond with the pop star.
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23 hours ago ˇ Online Chinese-English dictionary with native speaker sound for each Chinese character, word and example sentences.
6 hours ago ˇ doleful hear the syllables in doleful; plaintive hear the syllables in plaintive; soulful hear the syllables in soulful; woeful hear the syllables in woeful.
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22 hours ago ˇ I honestly think you need to work on the underlying issues (which you imply exist but reasonably don't go into) before either of you thinks about changing jobs.
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11 hours ago ˇ Reckless Kelly's use of acoustic guitars, subtle percussion, and plaintive vocals gives the song a raw, authentic feel, allowing the listener to connect deeply ...
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11 hours ago ˇ In their plaintive call for a return to the office, CEOs reveal how little they are needed. by John Q on September 27, 2024. My latest in The Guardian.