The Plains of Abraham (French: Plaines d'Abraham) is a historic area within the Battlefields Park in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. It was established on 17 ...
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noun. a high plain adjoining the city of Quebec, Canada: battlefield where the English under Wolfe defeated the French under Montcalm in 1759.
a plain near Quebec: site of a battle (1759) of the French and Indian War, in which the British under Wolfe defeated the French under Montcalm.
The surface of this sort of plateau is defined by very flat, broad valleys surrounded by eroded hills and mountains. The rocks that make up the mountains and ... a high plain adjoining the city of Quebec, Canada: English victory over the French in 1759. Random House ...
Canada's first national historic park. National Battlefields Park is over a hundred years old. Its main sites are the Plains of Abraham (98 hectares).
The Plains of Abraham are undoubtedly among the most frequently visited and best known natural and historic sites.
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The Battle of the Plains of Abraham, also known as the Battle of Quebec was a pivotal battle in the Seven Years' War (referred to as the French and Indian ...
Plains of Abraham n. (functioning as singular) a field in E Canada between Quebec City and the St Lawrence River: site of an important British victory ...
A battle during the French and Indian wars that took place on a plateau above the city of Quebec, Canada. Wolfe ferried British troops up the St Lawrence past ...