
Learn to pronounce per·form·er

a person who entertains an audience.
"a circus performer"
synonyms: actor, actress, thespian, artiste, artist, entertainer, trouper, star, superstar, executant, troupe, company, cast

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a person who entertains people by acting, singing, dancing, or playing music. He's a brilliant performer.
an entertainer who performs a dramatic or musical work for an audience. synonyms: performing artist. see moresee less. types: show 102 types.
A performer is a person who acts, sings, or does other entertainment in front of audiences. A performer plays classical selections on the violin.
: a person (such as an actor or a musician) who acts, sings, dances, etc., for an audience. The new actress joining the troupe is a seasoned performer.
Performer definition: One who performs for, or entertains, an audience.
A performer is an individual who presents or acts in front of an audience to entertain or convey a message. This can include a variety of activities such as ...
performer meaning, definition, what is performer: an actor, musician etc who performs to e...: Learn more.
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someone who entertains people (Definition of performer from the Cambridge Learner's Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
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performer (plural performers). One who performs for, or entertains, an audience. One who performs or does anything. Synonym: (obsolete, rare) performant.
v.intr. 1. To function or accomplish something as expected or required: a car that performs well on curves; workers not performing up to standard.