
Learn to pronounce pa·per

  1. material manufactured in thin sheets from the pulp of wood or other fibrous substances, used for writing, drawing, or printing on, or as wrapping material.
    "a sheet of paper"
    synonyms: writing paper, notepaper, wrapper, wrapping
  2. a piece or sheet of paper with something written or drawn on it.
    "he riffled through the papers on his desk"
  3. an essay or thesis, especially one read at an academic lecture or seminar or published in an academic journal.
    "he published a highly original paper on pattern formation"
    synonyms: essay, article, composition, monograph, thesis, work, dissertation, treatise, study, report, analysis, tract, critique, exegesis, review, disquisition, discourse, piece of writing, theme
  4. free passes of admission to a theater or other entertainment.

  1. apply wallpaper to (a wall or room).
    "the walls were papered in a Regency stripe"
    synonyms: wallpaper, hang wallpaper on, line, decorate
  2. fill (a theater) by giving out free tickets.
    "surely the theater could at least have papered the house if the box office was looking so poor"

People also ask
1. a : a thin sheet made usually from rags, wood, straw, or bark and used to write or print on, to wrap things in, or to cover walls
A definition essay is structured around the goal of defining a term, concept, or idea. While you may start off with a simple dictionary definition, your essay ...
4 days ago · a thin, flat material made from crushed wood or cloth used esp. for writing and printing on and in packaging.
Paper definition: a substance made from wood pulp, rags, straw, or other fibrous material, usually in thin sheets, used to bear writing or printing, ...
Aug 7, 2024 · paper, matted or felted sheet, usually made of cellulose fibres, formed on a wire screen from water suspension.
Paper is a thin sheet material produced by mechanically or chemically processing cellulose fibres derived from wood, rags, grasses, or other vegetable sources ...
paper Add to list Share · noun. a material made of cellulose pulp derived mainly from wood or rags or certain grasses · noun. a medium for written communication.
PAPER meaning: 1 : the material that is used in the form of thin sheets for writing or printing on, wrapping things, etc.; 2 : a sheet of paper with ...
A definition essay can be deceivingly difficult to write. This type of paper requires you to write a personal yet academic definition of one specific word.
1. a thin, flexible material made usually in sheets from a pulp prepared from rags, wood, or other fibrous material, and used for writing or printing on.