

extend over so as to cover partly.
"the canopy overlaps the house roof at one end"

a part or amount which overlaps.
"an overlap of about half an inch"

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1. to extend over or past and cover a part of The roof shingles overlap each other. 2. to have something in common with Baseball season overlaps the football ...
to cover something partly by going over its edge; to cover part of the same space: The fence is made of panels that overlap (each other).
When things overlap, part or all of one thing covers part or all of the other, like roofing shingles or flat noodles in a lasagna dish.
8 senses: (ˌəʊvəˈlęp ) 1. (of two things) to extend or lie partly over (each other) 2. to cover and extend beyond (something).
verb · (of two things) to extend or lie partly over (each other) · to cover and extend beyond (something) · intr to coincide partly in time, subject, etc.
1[transitive, intransitive] overlap (something) if one thing overlaps another, or the two things overlap, part of one thing covers part of the other A ...
1. to lie over the edge of (something) : to cover part of the edge of (something) [+ object] The roof shingles overlap each other.
to make two or more things overlap [intransitive, transitive] to cover part of the same area of interest, knowledge, responsibility, etc.
overlapo‧ver‧lap2 /ˈəʊvəlęp $ ˈoʊvər-/ ○○○ AWL noun [countable, uncountable] SAMEthe amount by which two activities, ideas, things etc overlapoverlap between ...
overlap · (of two things) to extend or lie partly over (each other) · to cover and extend beyond (something) · (intransitive) to coincide partly in time, ...