
out of tune

  1. not having the correct pitch or intonation.
    "the treble oboe was woefully out of tune"
  2. (of an engine or other machine) properly (or poorly) adjusted.

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1. in a state in which the correct musical sound is not played or sung The piano was out of tune. 2. in a state in which people do not agree with or understand ...
singing or playing notes that are at the wrong pitch (= level) or that do not agree with others being sung or played: The piano is out of tune.
A person or musical instrument that is out of tune does not produce exactly the right notes. It was just an ordinary voice, but he sang in tune. See full  ...
Feb 25, 2021 · Out of tune means that you aren't singing the tune period. Dissonant is a more professional term for notes in a song that clash, but ...
8 days ago · Or, go to the definition of out of tune. IMPROPER. Synonyms. inharmonious · ill-suited · being at odds · improper · not suitable · unsuitable.
1. Lit. not in musical harmony with someone or something. (*Typically: be ~; get ~.) The oboe is out of tune with the flute. The flute is out of tune with John.
If you are out of tune with them, you are not in agreement or sympathy with them. Today, his change of direction seems more in tune with the times.
out of tune playing or singing higher or lower than the correct musical note Greg's bass guitar was out of tune.
out of tune. Not in the correct musical pitch. Synonyms: off-key, pitchy: Antonym: in tune. The violins go out of tune in damp weather.
4 days ago · The meaning of TUNE OUT is to become unresponsive to : ignore. How to use tune out in a sentence.